Now that you’ve put your lingerie/mouse costume (duh) away for the year roleplay may be the last thing on your mind...
The Shadow Self
Over the past century psychology has found a lot of different ways to talk about self-acceptance. One of the oldest is...
Lovin, Touchin, Squeezin With Mindful Touch
As a therapist there’s very little about paying a professional to help you self-regulate and develop your...
Neuroqueering; Verb
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gender Theory have a striking number of things in common- increasingly we understand them...
Questioning The Sacred History Of Sexuality
I mean, I get it. If there wasn’t something kind of magical about looking deeply into the eyes of someone you love or...
Talking To Your Kids About Secular Sexuality
I get it- talking about kids and sex in the same YouTube video is a really great way to alert the algorithm and end up...
Secular ***Uality
From Tonight’s episode- Nerd City YouTube Adpocalypse Whores of Yore Citizens United Explained by Tim Lau from Brennan...
On Compersion
The Jealousy Workbook: Exercises and Insights for Managing Open Relationships Compersion: A Polyamorous Principle That...
Musical Manipulation
A sincere moment in the deconstruction of my faith came at the end of high school when a clip of the film ‘Jesus Camp’...