Porn, Huh?

May 16, 2021 | Porn, Religious Trauma, Secular Sexuality

A decade or so ago I found myself surrounded by other college students listing off things that are sins, as adults tend to do. Once someone bravely tossed out the idea of ‘pornography’ a long cold silence washed over the place. The group leader began to solicit more sins, looking for the one he was sure to come next. Baffled by the failure of several attempts, someone finally offered up the one sin that always goes alongside porn- masturbation (*shiver*) . Fast forward a couple of degrees, countless conversations with clients, co-hosts and guests on SecX and uh, a fair amount of personal research and turns out there is just so, so much more to porn. Catch my conversation with Laura and Sinn below and be sure to check back afterwards for some footNOTES!


The Truth About How Porn Affects Us by Justin Lehmiller for Sex and Psychology

The porn you’re probably missing out on by John-Michael Bond for The Daily Dot

Audio Porn: A Complete Guide to Audio Erotica by Simon Regal for Red Light Network

A Horny Readers’ Guide to Erotica by Karolina Wilde for Medium

The Best Free Erotica for One-Handed Reading by Gabrielle Kassel for Shape

Poly Marriage Equality

Poly Marriage Equality

Intro to Poly Resources- Opening Up IS LIKE Going On A Road Trip Democrats succumb to political reality on same-sex marriage bill by Brooke Migdon and Al Weaver for The Hill What the Respect for Marriage Act does and doesn't do by Devin Dwyer for ABC News Marriage...

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