Quick magic trick for you. Imagine a bad sitcom, picture the 4th wall lacking set, hear the laugh track, close your eyes then imagine a joke. Was that joke about how the schlubby, petulant man-child main character was shot down by his inexplicably gorgeous wife? You know it was. For some reason our culture has decided that all men want all sex all the time, women never want sex (unless it’s in Victorian England?) and the battle of the sexes is really between the over and under sexed. Fortunately my friends, there’s a better way and sexologist and sex coach Dr. Renee may have some of the answers. Catch our conversation below and be sure to check back afterwards for some footNOTES!
Dr. Renee Lanctot, DHS; Sexologist & Sex Coach
Sexual Desire Discrepancy: Why It’s a Big Deal for Couples by Kyle Killian for Psychology Today
What to Do When You and Your Partner Have Wildly Different Sex Drives by Steph Auteri for InStyle
Desire Discrepancy: What It Is And What You Can Do from Embrace Sexual Wellness
Sexual Desire Discrepancy: A Position Statement of the European Society for Sexual Medicine from The Journal of Sexual Medicine
Sexual Desire Discrepancy as a Feature, Not a Bug, of Long-Term Relationships: Women’s Self-Reported Strategies for Modulating Sexual Desire from The Journal of Sexual Medicine